layers with uniform pressure throughout the
width of the roller and achieve coverage of
approximately 80%.
Generally, pneumatic tyred rollers are
used in pavement subgrade works for both
earthwork and bituminous works. They are
suitable for compacting cold laid bituminous
pavements, soft base course materials, or
layers of loose soil. They are also suitable for
compacting closely graded sands and fine-
grained cohesive soils at moisture content
approaching their plastic limits.
Industry challenges
Plant Equipment & Hire spoke to four
while three-wheeled rollers have two well as for asphaltic concrete work. leading industry players about the
wheels at the rear and one in the front. The They are fitted with one or two smooth- challenges in the local compaction
performance of smooth-wheeled rollers surfaced steel wheels of 0.9–1.5m in industry.
depends on the load per centimetre width diameter and 1.2–1.8m wide. They allow (derived from the gross weight of the drum compaction to be performed up to the depressed economic climate has
it transfers to the soil) and the diameter of greater depths and their output is higher definitely resulted in a slowdown in the
the drum. A smooth-wheeled roller provides than conventional rollers. award of tenders from both government
100% ground coverage.
In vibrating smooth-wheeled rollers,
Pneumatic rubber-tyred rollers, weighing
According to Brad Emmett of Hire-All,
and the private sector. “We are seeing
fewer new projects; yet, more players in
the drums vibrate by employing rotating on both axles, providing uniform pressure the market, with associated undercutting of
or reciprocating mass and are used for throughout their area of contact. These prices by a number of the new entrants.”
compacting granular base courses as wheels are staggered for compaction of soil Fellow rental industry colleague, Colin du
between six and 285 tons, have wheels
Pneumatic rubber-tyred rollers, weighing between six and 285 tons, have wheels on
both axles, providing uniform pressure throughout their area of contact.
JUNE 2018