MB-R500, new mini excavator cutter head
MB Crusher’s new MB-R500 executing the excavation with
cutter head turns mini excavators extreme precision.
simplifies excavation operations
to the MB Crusher range and was for the positioning of building
launched as a world premiere at support plinths, especially in areas
Intermat in Paris. where the subsoil is particularly
The MB-R500 is the smallest
cutter head of the MB Crusher
It is ideal for work in city
range, weighing in at only 300kg. centres, where vibrations and
It can be installed on mini and noise must be contained, and
midi excavators from three to 12 while it is indispensable for
tons, on skid steer loaders, and road works, it can also be used
backhoe loaders from three to underwater. The cutter head
eight tons. makes it possible to perform
Its powerful cutter head
excavations within a minimum
has a diameter of 500mm and size and recovers material for
grinds with extreme precision, reuse, doing away with the need
while its drum can be replaced to dispose of the asphalt crusts
on site in less than an hour, from excavations.
without the need to take the
The cutter body rotation kit
unit to a specialised workshop. allows the operator to rotate
Like the other MB-R cutter the cutter head directly from
models, it comes with a full or the cab, without stopping the
low set drum head kit, which trench excavation work, thus
allows you to change the enhancing productivity, while
number of peaks depending on the cutting depth adjustment
the material to grind. kit makes grinding edges and
While the MB-R500 grinds
levelling possible, expediting
MB Crusher’s new MB-R500 cutter head is small, compact, precise
and efficient.
particularly resistant and tough the laying of asphalt in squares affording work in enclosed with a temperature reduction
materials, such as fragmented and roads. spaces, such as in tunnels. kit, reducing the oil temperature
rocks, it can also work on soft
materials, such as asphalt,
The piece of equipment
machines. It is the latest addition
and mini loaders into real milling
JULY 2018
The nebuliser kit and the drum
cover kit reduce dust emission,
To preserve the machinery,
the MB-R500 can be equipped
during operation without altering
the unit’s performance.