Where to? we would really need on a consistent
Combilift is active in 85 countries, basis,” he explains.
Mc Vicar points out and says that
the company’s focus is on the export from order to delivery, current
market. “With the Combilift Slip Sheet, production time takes six months, and
we are not limited to any market; we explains that the delay is owing to a
will be available in whichever country commitment to several orders — such
we conduct business, including South is the welcome that the Slip Sheet has
Africa,” he assures. enjoyed since its recent launch in
Romania is the recipient of the first
unit, which was on the water, on its
late April.
The overarching efficiency of the
way to the first customer, CG Logistics, Slip Sheet is sure to see production
as the interview was being conducted. figures grow as companies realise
Around production challenges, Mc
Close-up of the hydraulic barrier’s lock.
Based on this, Mc Vicar says,
the savings it affords. So too, the vast
Vicar says that the normal supplies improvement in safety around loading
issues prevail, more so as the product and unloading containers is bound to
is new. “We are trying to increase have the container-handling sector
production, but we have to get the embracing this Combilift machine with
parts from our suppliers, and because enthusiasm.
we are a new product, we have to get For more information, visit:
the production volumes up to what ■
JULY 2018