Additional features
The 620G also features ripper-stow
automation, courtesy lighting and an
updated high-resolution reverse camera
monitor. Ripper stow returns the ripper to its
fully raised position at the end of a pass with
a double tap of the control.
The courtesy lighting feature turns on
the machine lights as the operator exits
the machine at the end of the day – a
helpful feature in dark conditions at the
end of a shift.
It was not entirely dark when we
departed Bell Equipment’s test ground, it
was just after lunch and after yet another
‘boerewors roll’. By then, the fuzziness
had departed, but that ‘something’ one
only feels at the Bell farm still lingered.
Operating the 620G for only a short
while, makes you want to do it again,
which says a lot coming from an operator
who kept on eyeing the dizzying heights
of the hill, which the B60E negotiated
with so much ease.
Bell Equipment’s two open days for
customers, which were attended by Plant
Equipment & Hire, included a walk through
the factory at the facility in Richards Bay, as
well as a visit to the famous farm where it
all began just after the second World War,
when Irvine Bell started repairing old farm
machinery on the outskirts of Empangeni in
The open days were attended by a
large group of Bell customers from the
quarrying, mining, construction, timber
and agricultural sectors. Six different areas
were set up on the farm property where
a range of different products were on
show accompanied by product specialists
and the sales team to provide answers
to any questions. Product specialists
gave the customers a walkaround of new
equipment and explained new features.
The product range included Bell ADTs,
Bomag drum rollers and pavers, Kobelco
excavators, John Deere graders, TLBs
and wheeled loaders, Matriarch’s forestry
equipment and Finlay’s screeners,
crushers and conveyors.
The highlight for many was test driving
the Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs) and
with Bell introducing their new Mark 3
upgrades, there were many questions to
answer. Three ADTs (B30E, B50E and B60E)
were put through their paces around the
challenging test ground. Plant Equipment
& Hire was given the opportunity to test
drive all the ADTs, the new generation 10
Kobelco SK300LC excavator, the new Bell
620G Grader, Bomag’s BF300P Paver and
BW120AD Single Drum Roller, the F-series
Logger and a static model of Matriarch’s
The Bell 620G Motor Grader in a nutshell
Information and data about all aspects of the machine can be accessed on the digital
screen right in front of the operator.
The 620G Bell Motor Grader is a lot lighter than its predecessors, although it
doesn’t look or feel like a lightweight.