During equipment
train, filling the wagons one by one,”
Steyn says. The most suitable loading
selection, one must system is determined by the loading rate
bear in mind that a that is required. At the mine, a load-out
mine is not static and is
constantly evolving. As
the seam progresses,
it moves further away
station must be selected that can meet
the rail operator’s cycle time and wagon
type requirements. At port side, several
equipment options are available for train
unloading, including bottom and side
discharge wagon tipplers, and rotary
so the equipment and tandem rotary wagon tipplers.
must also be able to Steyn says that temporary ship loaders
handle these changing and container tipplers can be used
dynamics to ensure shared facilities, while dedicated
continued efficiencies.”
Jacques Steyn, general
manager: Materials Handling
Finally moving to ship loading,
for low-capacity to medium-capacity
systems are preferred for high-capacity
loading. While construction of radial-
type ship loaders and their supporting
quays are more economical, they
are only suitable for single berth
quays and a specific ship size. Co-
addition to the already-mentioned — thyssenkrupp offers the boom-type ordinate ship loaders (ship loaders
stockyard type, other factors that bucket wheel, which is suitable for all that travel in a straight line, with a
determine reclaimer selection include material types. luffing and telescoping boom) can
lump sizes, material flow ability, capacity
Stacker types include luffing; slewing
serve several berths and ship sizes on
(tons per hour), blending requirements, and luffing combination; wing; radial; the same side of a quay. Travelling
need for reclaimer to pass over and overhead stackers. Steyn says that ship loaders with luffing and slewing
adjacent stockpiles, and so on.” The blending is the dominant criterion for boom offer maximum flexibility, as
thyssenkrupp range of reclaimers include the selection of a reclaimer and stacker they can be used on both sides of the
drum, portal, side arm scraper, bridge- combination. Windrow stacking — which quay and can load differing ship size
type scraper, half-bridge-type and requires a slewing and luffing stacker requirements.
bridge-type bucket wheel, and boom- with a longer boom — can increase the type bucket wheel and plough feeders. blending efficiency when reclaiming with thyssenkrupp, as an engineering-
South Africa is the global thyssenkrupp a boom-type bucket wheel machine, driven company, delivers state-of-the-
group’s centre of excellence for drum but it offers no benefit when combined art, world-class, and turnkey product,
reclaimers. While drum reclaimers with bridge scraper reclaimers and drum system, and technology solutions
cannot pass over stockpiles, they offer reclaimers. Likewise, strata stacking that extend to a service partnership
high capacities of up to 5 500 tons per improves blending only when used with the customer throughout the life
hour, even output, excellent blending, in combination with portal scraper cycle of a machine or project. “Our
and suitability for free-flowing, sticky or reclaimers. sophisticated systems are supported
lumpy materials.
For applications that require passing
Discussing thyssenkrupp’s train
In closing, Steyn points out that
by highly trained and qualified service
loading solutions, Steyn says that engineers and technicians offering
over of stockpiles, portal and side arm high-capacity operations conduct train product support, audits, inspections,
scrapers are recommended, as well as loading in motion. The train travels at technical advice, maintenance, repair,
bucket wheel reclaimers. Bridge bucket a slow speed underneath the loading spare parts, and components. We
wheel reclaimers are more suitable station while a weighed quantity of form a long-term partnership with our
for use with sticky materials and offer material is loaded according to each customers, working closely with them
high, but fluctuating, capacities. For wagon’s axle capacity. “We can also to optimise plant efficiency so they
high-capacity reclaiming of several offer a less conventional loading solution can reap the benefits of lowest total
products/grades with no blending that uses a conveyor with a tripper cost of ownership and a high return on
requirement — which is typical for ports moving along the side of a stationary investment.” ■