Caterpillar’s new electric-drive 798 handling and confident stopping.
AC features a 372-tonne (410-ton) Superior retarding capability,
payload and will join the fleet of over blended braking, and the Cat
1 000 Cat mechanical-drive 797s in the Traction Control System help boost
400-short-ton class. The new electric- productivity while enhancing safety.
drive 796 AC delivers 326-tonne (360- The Cat AC drive is a high-voltage
ton) payload and will be offered in all system (2 600 volts) that operates at a
regions. Both trucks will be available in relatively low current. Combined with
second quarter 2019. Cat’s total integration and design of
The design of the new trucks
the truck and drive system, this means
focuses on delivering class-leading higher efficiency, lower heat generation,
payload, high reliability, and simple smaller and lighter components, and
serviceability. longer component life.
The Cat C175-16 diesel engine
The Cat High Efficiency (HE)
powers both of the new trucks. body is sized and configured to
With more than 21 million hours meet the specific needs of the
of operation in mobile equipment mine, dictated by fragmentation,
and power generation, the reliable abrasion, cohesion, and the loading
engine can be configured to meet tool. The curved floor, front, and
US EPA Tier 4 emissions regulations canopy strengthen the entire body,
and offers a choice of 2 610kW which is integral to the truck. The
(3 500hp) or 2 312kW (3 100hp) to body is sized to meet the payload
meet the mine’s needs. requirements without compromising
vehicle balance, braking, or control.
High productivity and lower
cost per ton platforms ease maintenance tasks.
The 796 AC and 798 AC are The modular design allows for
designed to minimise empty machine easy removal and installation of
weight, as configured in the field. This components. The engine, traction
enables the 798 AC to carry its class- alternator, motors, inverter, grid,
leading payload of 372 tonnes (410 and final drives can be removed
tons) and to haul more material each independently. Traction alternator
cycle on 59/80R63 tyres. and optional inverter platforms allow
The new trucks feature four-
Open engine access and service
for easier inspections, diagnostics,
corner, oil-cooled disc brakes as and component swaps. The result is
well as dynamic retarding for stable less service time and greater uptime.
The 798 AC is designed to minimise empty machine weight, and its design enables it to
carry its class-leading payload of 372 tonnes (410 tons) and to haul more material each cycle
on 59/80R63 tyres.
New Cat app
Caterpillar’s two new ultra-class trucks
The mobile equipment management tool gives
customers an easy way to monitor their entire
fleet, request parts and service, and connect
with their Cat dealer from the work site.
Caterpillar’s new mobile app helps
customers monitor machine location and
health, react faster to fault codes, and
maximise uptime.
Optimised for contractors who need to
track critical machine operating data from
the field, the app caters for customer
challenges such as tracking machine
hours and location, receiving equipment
fault codes, and managing maintenance
without being tied to the computer back
at the office.
Customers now have an instant and easy
way to monitor their entire fleet, request parts
and service, and connect with their Cat dealer
from the work site. The exact location of all
equipment tracked by the app is displayed on
the mobile device, along with the machine’s
operating hours, health, and utilisation data. It
enables operations to get the most from their
equipment by moving an underutilised asset
to precisely where it is needed most.
Customisable push notifications alert Cat
app users of machine operating conditions,
even if they do not check into the app
every day. Upcoming planned service
indicators, based on machine operating
hours, are sent to the user, so service can
be scheduled for when it does not impact
production. Fault codes, such as engine
alerts, provide warnings of critical service
issues that need to be addressed before a
downtime event occurs.
Fleet information can be accessed or
updated on the Caterpillar website or from
the mobile platform. Users can quickly
self-install Cat PL-542 product link devices
to connect equipment without telematics
reporting systems to the Cat app.