Plant Equipment and Hire February 2018 | Page 9

WORLD NEWS Construction Climate Challenge conference eyes big targets for emissions reduction Industry heavyweights warned We had a belief that 80% of guests at the Construction our schemes, or more, would Climate Challenge held in London be low carbon and low cost. in November that only big targets We made a commitment as a will trigger the innovation needed collective and there is no U-turn to make a meaningful difference on this one.” One of Anglian Water’s in infrastructure and construction actions was to use recyclable projects. plastic as an alternative to that used to contribute 80% Conference Center in London’s of their embodied carbon. In Westminster, was a one-day one project they worked on summit to promote the UK’s reversing the water flow in new PAS (Publicly Available existing pipelines, instead of Specification) 2080 standard — building new pipelines, which the world’s first framework for cut out 16 000 tonnes of carbon reducing whole-life carbon in and saved GBP32-million. infrastructure. Commissioned by saving impetus behind Leadership Council and the PAS2080 will act as a blueprint Green Construction Board, it for implementing the standard offers guidance and consistency on a more global level. Terri on how to employ material, Wills, CEO of World Green energy, and labour efficiencies Building Council, says: to reduce both capital and “Standards like these are so operational carbon and costs. important right now as they set a definition and trajectory for clients, academics, and us to work towards. Spurring sustainability professionals were leaders to adopt PAS2080 will told how it is necessary to set filter down through the rest brave targets and involve the of the industry and the supply entire supply chain to deliver the chain and force a positive innovative processes, tools, and collaboration. Forty per cent of behavioural changes needed to our global greenhouse gases substantially reduce embedded are from the construction and and operational carbon in building sectors, so our focus infrastructure projects. needs to be on decarbonising Keynote speaker Chris Newsome, director of Asset An audience of contractors, clients, academics, and sustainability professionals gather at the London Construction Climate Challenge, hosted by Volvo Construction Equipment. It is hoped that the cost- the government’s Construction An audience of contractors, Volvo reinforced concrete, a material UK Government’s 1VS The event, held at the The CCC seminar in London was chaired by Dr Paul Toyne, a sustainable construction expert and London Sustainable Development Commissioner. our sites by 2050.” Mark Fenton, climate change Management at Anglian specialist for the HS2 project — Water and chairman of the a new high-speed rail network Green Construction Board linking Britain’s major cities, Infrastructure Working Group, and currently Europe’s largest was one of the first to lead infrastructure project — says: his company through the “A lot of carbon is stuck in small implementation of PAS2080. He projects like house extensions, told the audience: “We started but it is the bigger projects that with a demand on ourselves and have to lead and influence the our suppliers to reduce carbon. rest of the industry.” n when it comes to cutting carbon Mark Fenton, climate change specialist for HS2. FEBRUARY 2018 7