Plant Equipment and Hire August 2018 | Page 40

DIRECTORY LISTING WESTERN CAPE Burma Plant Hire +27 21 905 9064 29.Skidsteer loaders GAUTENG Construction Dial-A-Hire Dash Plant & Tool Hire Oasis Plant Hire MD Plant & Equipment PROearth Plant Hire          Sandton Plant Hire +27 11 973 3733 +27 11 395 2623 +27 11 823 2871/4251 +27 11 462 8261 +27 12 644 1734/082 866 9879 +27 11 805 3084 KWAZULU-NATAL Slagcrete WESTERN CAPE Baseline Civil Contractors Burma Plant Hire Sylco +27 34 312 3231 SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL Talisman Hire WESTERN CAPE Baseline Civil Contractors LIMPOPO Amalgamated Plant (Pty) Ltd +27 21 905 2545 +27 21 905 9064 +27 21 845 4494 +27 11 973 3733 +27 11 395 2623 +27 11 823 2871/4251 +27 86 187 8787 +27 86 187 8787 +27 21 905 2545 +27 15 293 1221 x 304 31. Concrete dumpers GAUTENG Construction Dial-A-Hire Hire All Oasis Plant Hire +27 11 973 3733 086 010 0968 +27 11 823 2871/4251 WESTERN CAPE Sylco LIMPOPO Amalgamated Plant (Pty) Ltd +27 16 422 5142 +27 11 882 8301 +27 21 845 4494 +27 15 293 1221 x 304 34. Pneumatic floor scabblers/ road planes GAUTENG Talisman Hire SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL Talisman Hire SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL Talisman Hire 40 AUGUST 2018 EASTERN CAPE Scribante Construction +27 41 484 7211 WESTERN CAPE Hiretech +27 21 945 3317 SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL Talisman Hire +27 86 187 8787 GAUTENG Oasis Plant Hire SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL Talisman Hire +27 86 187 8787 40. Conveyors GAUTENG Talisman Hire +27 86 187 8787 EASTERN CAPE Scribante Construction +27 41 484 7211 SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL Talisman Hire +27 86 187 8787 41. Mobile conveying, crushing and screening EASTERN CAPE Scribante Construction Sandton Plant Hire +27 41 484 7211 +27 11 805 3084 WESTERN CAPE Burma Plant Hire Hiretech +27 21 905 9064 +27 21 945 3317 WESTERN CAPE Burma Plant Hire LIMPOPO Amalgamated Plant (Pty) Ltd +27 21 905 9064 +27 15 293 1221 x 304 43. Pneumatic grinders SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL Talisman Hire +27 86 187 8787 44. Earth augers GAUTENG Talisman Hire +27 86 187 8787 FREE STATE JIT Exploration +27 51 433 1249 SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL Talisman Hire +27 86 187 8787 +27 86 187 8787 +27 21 945 3317 +27 21 845 4494 +27 86 187 8787 45. Generating sets GAUTENG Construction Dial-A-Hire Maximum Equipment Rand-Air EASTERN CAPE Scribante Construction +27 41 484 7211 MPUMALANGA Rand-Air +27 13 246 1473 KWAZULU-NATAL Pro-Hydraulics Rand-Air SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL Talisman Hire TANZANIA Kuku Nzito Ltd +27 13 170 54104 +27 31 467 2150 +27 86 187 8787 0025 57 8 423 6985 46. Vibrators +27 11 823 2871/4251 +27 86 187 8787 35. Access equipment and trowels WESTERN CAPE Hiretech Sylco +27 11 823 2871/4251 +27 86 187 8787 42. Mobile concrete batching plant 32. Cranes GAUTENG Freds Crane Hire Marlboro Crane Hire GAUTENG Oasis Plant Hire Talisman Hire 38. Site accommodation 30. Concrete mixers GAUTENG Construction Dial-A-Hire Dash Plant & Tool Hire Oasis Plant Hire Talisman Hire 37. Concrete saws +27 11 973 3733 +27 11 464 0930 +27 21 510 3084/5 GAUTENG Construction Dial-A-Hire Dash Plant & Tool Hire Maximum Equipment Talisman Hire +27 11 973 3733 +27 11 395 2623 +27 11 464 0930 +27 86 187 8787 SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL Talisman Hire +27 86 187 8787 47. Water pumps GAUTENG Maximum Equipment Talisman Hire +27 11 464 0930 +27 86 187 8787 SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL Talisman Hire +27 86 187 8787 48. Welding machines GAUTENG Maximum Equipment Talisman Hire +27 11 464 0930 +27 86 187 8787 WESTERN CAPE Hiretech +27 21 945 3317 SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL Talisman Hire +27 86 187 8787 49. Lowbeds GAUTENG Azania Money Growth (Pty) Ltd Construction Dial-A-Hire Oasis Plant Hire Rail Plant Hire Sandton Plant Hire WNR Plant Hire +27 11 902 7941 +27 11 973 3733 +27 11 823 2871/4251 +27 11 968 9804/5 +27 11 805 3084 +27 11 674 2670 MPUMALANGA Van Wettens +27 13 755 8800 KWAZULU-NATAL Slagcrete +27 34 312 3231 EASTERN CAPE Scribante Construction +27 41 484 7211 WESTERN CAPE Baseline Civil Contractors Burma Plant Hire Sylco +27 21 905 2545 +27 21 905 9064 +27 21 845 4494