Planning, Building & Development | Page 178

Barrington Area Council of Governments 112 Algonquin Road Barrington Hills, Illinois 60010 (847) 381-7871 (847) 381-7882 (Fax) October 15, 2014 Lake County Housing and Community Development Commission 500 W Winchester Road Libertyville, Illinois 60048 Dear Members of the Housing and Community Development Commission, Thank you for this opportunity to comment on the Lake County Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (“AI”) report. Our communities recognize the value of a diverse population, and our leaders are committed to ensuring that all populations have access to housing and the opportunities within our communities. We recognize that we are subject to fair housing law and wish to comply with it. We believe that the report is a fair assessment of conditions, population characteristics, and policies and programs operating within Lake County, and it clearly presents the consultant’s findings based on these factors plus surveys and interviews. This letter will offer comments on several of the report’s points, impediments and related recommendations. General Points There are statements in the report that seem to conclude what is appropriate for all communities, including the “bedrock planning principle[s]” and the development best practices they follow, for example (page 48). We believe that every community, however, may not set its “bedrock” planning goal to ensure a range of housing choices when it is a very, very small community. Providing a full range of housing options within a community of a few hundred homes may not be the “best practice” that it would be for a larger community comprised of multiple neighborhoods, multiple uses, and thousands of housing units and people. Consider that a very small municipality like many in Lake 6