Planner Junkie Issue 2 October | Page 3

From the editor

Happy Halloween!

Ok, I realize it's not quite Halloween yet, but I love this time of year. It's the kickoff to the holiday season. It's a chance to dress up, with or without kids. And it's a lot of fun!

This month we have a new feature, Bullet Journal Inspirations, and we'll be helping you kick off NaNoWriMo in November right.

I also recently purchased my first Happy Planner from "Me and My Big Ideas." I've been using it for a couple of months now, and wanted to let you all know what I think of it. I've been using it to keep my business, including this magazine, under control.

And finally, this month in The Junk(ie) Drawer I'll be sharing some of my favorite info and ideas for El Dia de Los Muertos, a day that gets far too little attention in my opinion given the meaning and the vibrancy of it.

I hope that you enjoyed issue #1 of Planner Junkie. If you haven't had a chance to read it yet, you can find it here: so be sure to check it out.

As always, feel free to contact Planner Junkie Magazine at [email protected]. I love hearing what you have to say, and may start including a "Reader Response" section if I start getting enough feedback.

Happy Fall!

Photo by Christopher Johnson