PMR: What industries do you feel you can help the best?
BK: In the past five years or so, eighty percent of my clients
have been either medical groups or doctors’ offices. Now
I’m also starting to work with dental practices. For some
reason I’m drawn to the healthcare environment. My past
clients have also been plumbers, waste management pro-
fessionals, roofers, retail store teams, real estate offices and
more. I do a lot of call center work as well. I’d like to answer
this question by saying I can help any industry, which I can,
but right now I’m specializing a lot in healthcare.
PMR: Can you share a success story with us?
BK: Yes. Last year, I worked with a large medical group in
San Diego. There I consulted with a team of 5 key people
who had a need to train over 4,000 employees. In this same
medical group, I personally trained 3,400 employees and
200 managers. The goal was to raise patient satisfaction
survey results. Being able to measure outcomes is one of
the reasons why I like working in the healthcare indus-
try. You can see how the survey results improve after the
training! And that’s exactly what happened with this client.
After the training, their patient survey results were higher
than that of other medical groups in the region. This large
medical group also maintained the positive trend in patient
satisfaction when it was measured again four months after
the training. This is very exciting because many times the
satisfaction scores go up immediately after the training but
then scores fall a month later. The fact that the scores re-
mained high is evidence that our system works! First, we
train the managers on how to hold the employees account-
able to specific behaviors. Then we give them the tools they
need to model the desired behavior. We also teach manag-
ers how to initiate the right conversations with co-workers
who may need assistance adhering to the desired behavior.
Everyone is doing their job well. Everyone is communicat-
ing well. It’s super exciting and rewarding for me to see the
progress that has been made! And this progress continues
to be maintained long after we walk out the door.
PMR: Do you think the meeting planner’s utilization of
satisfaction surveys can help them deliver improved cus-
tomer service?
BK: Oh absolutely. I’m a big proponent of surveys or any
other kind of feedback. I think many times we may feel and
KNOW the event went well. However, the attendees might
have a different viewpoint. They may even offer great ideas
to make your next event even better. You don’t really know
how you’re doing unless you’re getting the feedback. The
more consistently we get feedback, the better. There are
many ways we can get feedback. But yes, I’m a big propo-
nent of surveys and I believe they can be a valuable tool for
a meeting planner.
PMR: What’s next for Barbara? What do you have com-
ing up this year?
BK: I’m super excited! I just finished creating a 7-module
online video training program for the healthcare industry.
It will cover everything I teach regarding healthcare cus-
tomer service including telephone etiquette, empathy, and
the ever-popular topic of how to deal with difficult people.
I’m very excited about it and I have gotten a great response
to it so far!
Barbara Khozam is known around the world for her impactful,
high-energy delivery, outrageous wit, and ability to connect with
her audience. Barbara has spoken more than 1,700 times to more
than 75,000 people in 11 countries about customer service, leader-
ship, motivation, and communication. Barbara’s highly acclaimed
book How Organizations Deliver BAD Customer Service (and
Strategies that Turn it Around) has become a staple on the book-
shelves of people who excel at creating great customer relation-
ships. She also co-authored Executive Etiquette Power and was
featured in The Power of the Platform, along with Jack Canfield,
Brian Tracy, and Les Brown. These books have sold in excess of
25,000 copies worldwide.
In 2019 Barbara was chosen as the Top Customer Service Con-
sultant of the Year by the International Association of Top Profes-
sionals. Also, in 2019, Barbara was awarded the CSP® (Certified
Speaking Professional™) from the National Speaker’s Association.
Barbara is one of only three women in the world to have achieved
this destination as well as the Accredited Speaker designation. Vis-
it her site at