Plainfield Magazine September/October 2015 | Page 9

Empowering Kids at School
As the book launched two years ago, Amy
instinctively knew she had to do more
–wanted to do more– than the standard book
signings. The “empowerment assembly”
was created for elementary schools where
she could meet with large numbers of kids to share the kindness message and inspire them to believe in their own abilities. This program has grown to the level where Amy is sought out as a motivational speaker at networking events, women’s groups, and national speaking events such as Hearts at Home in Minnesota this coming November.

The End of One Journey
In April 2014, Amy’s Facebook page quietly announced, “About 7am this morning, my sister Michelle went to be with the angels. There are no words“

After enduring months of treatment, Michelle’s body was unable to keep up with her will to fight and the battle ended.

Notice how we didn’t use the phrase “lost her battle” in that statement. Based on comments by family, including her daughter, it was obvious that Michelle’s positive attitude carried her through the long struggle insuring the illness would not get the best of her.

Simply, one cannot lose to the body what the spirit has already won.

Amy also possesses the same positive attitude in her life. Within hours of the first post, she opened her home to family and friends to celebrate her sister’s life and to share memories.