Plain & Simple: Bright Business Insights Vol. 7 Spring 2022 | Page 2


Stay Present in Your Business with the Help of Advisors
It ’ s lonely at the top . And in the middle . And at the bottom . Wherever you are , one thing ’ s for sure – when you own a small business , it ’ s easy to feel like you ’ re on an island . Even if your team is the best of the best , you ’ re putting your business at risk if you try to go it alone .
Ask any great business owner how they ’ ve gotten out of a jam – or avoided one altogether – and most will tell you that they get by with a little help from their friends . In other words , the relationships they ’ ve built with peers and advisors have helped them see red flags from a mile away and uncover innovative solutions .
When you ’ re so deeply involved with the daily operations of your business , you can lose sight of the big picture . Between all the hats you wear , you might be spread pretty thin . But there ’ s good news . A little bit of perspective from the outside can actually help you manage your business better .
By building an army of watchdogs and fans of your business – in the forms of advisors and peers – you ’ ll have access to a group of experts who can give you help or advice when you ’ re feeling uncertain .
Three Steps To Finding The Perfect Advisors
1 . Evaluate where your company lacks personnel or expertise . These are often areas that pose the greatest risk to your company , as they leave you vulnerable to the competition . Several common needs beyond legal , tax and accounting include human resource management , benefit administration , sales force management ,