We have all heard the unemployment numbers and continued challenges by employers to hire for their many job openings . This is not a state issue , but a national labor shortage , which is projected to continue well into this year and beyond . The talent shortage is being felt in all industries from manufacturing to healthcare , construction and food service .
Ohio Governor DeWine recently announced the state ’ s decision to discontinue the Federal Pandemic Unemployment , which provided those who claimed unemployment with $ 300 per month , effective June 26 , 2021 . This in response to Ohio employers stating individuals are not returning to work or accepting jobs due to enhanced unemployment benefits . Ohio has also implemented required steps for claimants to actively be seeking and logging their work efforts .
Distinguishing Your Company
With increased job availability , people have the opportunity to be selective . So what are some strategies you can employ to help distinguish your organization as an employer of choice ?
• Consider offering your employees the ability to work remotely . We know not all jobs are able to be conducted remotely . However , are there key roles which could be ?
• Offer hybrid work schedules . Providing your employees with a flexible schedule where they can work a certain number of days in the office and then at home might be a good solution for your business .