PLAIN AND SIMPLE Bright Business Insights
Vol . 6 | Issue 1 | Spring 2021
Dear Readers ,
It ’ s hard to believe that we ’ re about a third of the way through 2021 already . I hope that the start to your year has been positive and that things continue to go well . As I look back over the past several months and compare those to 2020 , it ’ s hard to believe the difference between the two . Last year was filled with an unprecedented amount of uncertainty , fear , and in some cases maybe even some anxiety due to the COVID-19 pandemic . As I sit down to write this I am grateful that it appears the tide has shifted and we are on positive path toward overcoming this pandemic . Cases , hospitalizations and deaths have all been trending down over the past several weeks and the general outlook for 2021 appears to be positive .
Here at Rea , we ’ re winding down toward the end of our ( once again ) extended tax season . While this year we may not have dealt with stay-at-home orders or trying to navigate PPP , there was still a lot going on as it relates to ever-changing legislation being passed as a result of COVID-19 . Whether it was the Coronavirus Aid , Relief , and Economic Security ( CARES ) Act , Consolidated Appropriations Act , or the American Rescue Plan Act , our team was kept on its toes trying to interpret and understand what was contained in these pieces of legislation and how that impacted our clients . As usual our team stepped up in a big way and delivered exceptional results through it all .
Our offices reopened last June and depending on the office that you go to , the number of individuals in the office will vary . Some are close to being back at 100 % capacity while others remain below 50 % and team members continue to work from home . To support that we ’ ve developed a robust “ Work From Anywhere ” policy that will allow greater flexibility for our team members going forward . One thing that hasn ’ t changed – our commitment to do all that we can in keeping our employees and clients safe and healthy as we continue to move forward .
Looking ahead to the remainder of 2021 the outlook appears to be positive . As I mentioned earlier , key metrics related to the pandemic are headed in the right direction . With that being said there are some challenges that many of us are continuing to experience as it relates to supply chain disruption , workforce availability and an ever-evolving legislative landscape .
Beginning with this quarter ’ s Plain & Simple issue and continuing on throughout the year , you will see a greater focus on these topics in our articles . One thing we realized during COVID-19 is that technology and its further advancements are here to stay and will be a disrupting force to an even greater degree as we move forward . While it ’ s easy to simply associate technology with “ computers and software ” we want to remind you that it extends beyond that to include the manufacturing floor , construction site , or wherever the “ playing field ” is for your business . Because of that we are going to make a special emphasis in the remaining 2021 issues on technology and automation and how they are critical in order to survive and thrive in today ’ s business environment .
Though we are still several months away I also want to call your attention to our annual National Manufacturing Day event – Friday , October 1 , 2021 . Be sure to mark it on your calendars ! We are already making plans and are excited for what will be presented and the fellowship that will take place .
To end I would just like to wish you well throughout the remainder of the year and remind you that the team at Rea is available at any time to assist in whatever you may need . Please reach out to myself or anyone on the Rea team if you find yourself in that situation and we would be happy to help .
Sincerely ,
Andrew Geiser , CPA
Senior Manager 212 North Washington St . Millersburg , OH 44654-1122 330.521.4562 andrew . geiser @ reacpa . com