Plain and Simple: Bright Business Insights Winter 2018 | Page 8


It ’ s Time To Rethink Your Hiring & Retention Strategy
The employment landscape is constantly evolving and businesses not savvy about human resources practices and procedures are at a major disadvantage – not to mention a major liability . Furthermore , unless you have at least one full-time HR professional on your team , you ’ re probably missing something . And that “ something ” could be costly .
Maintaining the proper education and compliance standards can be overwhelming for those who ’ ve chosen a career in HR , but for those who haven ’ t , the task is nearly impossible . Oftentimes , help is available . If you can ’ t afford to bring on another team member or you only need some targeted expertise , a consultant may be just what you need to take the edge off . Specifically , you might find particular success working with a consultant if you ’ ve experienced any of the following scenarios .
Strategic Recruitment
Identifying and recruiting the right candidate for your team has become difficult , a fact that continues to reveal itself in high turnover and low employee performance . But you also have a business to run , so you really can ’ t divide your time between managing the day-to-day and pounding the pavement in search of top talent . Instead , consider working with an HR consultant who will :
• Work directly with you to identify the skills you should be looking for in job candidates .
• Help you determine what prescreening assessment tools will help you hire qualified individuals . For example , the Predictive Index Assessment currently utilized by Rea & Associates provides value to companies by supporting the following functions of your business : »»
Talent acquisition
»» Talent development
»» Change management
Growth strategy
Job Posting
There was a time when simply putting an ad in the paper was enough to fill an open position . Now it ’ s not so easy . These days , there are a variety of ways to reach out to potential job candidates . An HR consultant can help you :
• Determine the correct locations to target for recruitment purposes .
• Take advantage of job websites and advertising resources to widen your talent search .
• Examine job descriptions and ensure they are ADA-compliant and match the job requirements .