Plain and Simple: Bright Business Insights Summer 2017 | Page 3
How to Create a Positive Work Environment
If you want to build a high-quality business, you need to
employ high-quality people. After all, without a team of all-
star employees, your business would be hard-pressed to sustain
itself and add value to your customer. But creating a thriving
work environment can be challenging, particularly if you don’t
fully understand what it is that motivates your employees to
succeed in the first place. Here is a list of ways you can help
facilitate a positive work environment in your company.
Embrace Change
Your employees are always changing. After all, that’s what
people do. Circumstances create opportunities for growth, and
your most valuable employees will embrace these changes as
they present themselves. Rather than suppressing growth or
throwing obstacles in the way of personal and professional
advancement, create an environment in which your employees
feel supported, and you will be handsomely rewarded through
increased engagement, improved retention and greater
commitment to your company and brand.
Broaden Horizons
Your employees have a lot of really great interests and talents
that can be utilized in many different ways throughout the
business. To maximize their strengths, encourage a culture
where questions are celebrated and curiosity is rewarded.
Not only will embracing this stance promote the continued
professional growth of your employees, it helps facilitate
greater understanding of how their work impacts the business
as a whole. This understanding can result in better efficiency
and greater cooperation throughout your organization.
Encourage Growth
If you really want to move the needle in your business, don’t
set your company’s goals and objectives at the top and expect
your employees fall in line. Instead, get your team involved in
the goal-setting process early on. Encourage them to make their
own goals and to come to the table with their own ideas for
by: Dustin Raber
CPA, CMP, Principal
545 N. Market St.
Wooster, OH 44691
(330) 521-4534
driving results. When you include your employees in the goal-
setting exercise, you are sure to receive greater buy-in which, in
turn, will help you finish your year out strong.
Maximize Value
Your employees are worth much more than the dollars and
cents they saved or earned over a period of time. Stop looking
at your employees as line items on your budget sheet and begin
to realize the true value they bring in all aspects of the business.
Happy employees are more willing to stay with the employer
that views them as more than a number on a spreadsheet. They
are more likely to go above and beyond the call of duty without
being prompted and they are more apt to deliver excellent
customer service, take fewer sick days and be more engaged
in the work when they are on the clock. All of these are vital
qualities to running a successful business, even though the
return on investment may be a little harder to calculate.
Need help avoiding the hurdles that are preventing you from
having a thriving business? Give me a call to talk about how
you might go about improving your business’s existing culture.