Be Eco-Friendly
“These items in the household consume a lot. The average fan will draw 65 watts and that is also dependent on the speed used and we love to have them on ‘high’ which is more costly than say ‘low’ or ‘medium’ because we say we are keeping off mosquitoes or the house is too hot but it all adds up. Believe it or not some people run their fans non-stop from Friday evening when they get off work until Monday morning when they go back to work. Something as simple as a fan and most people have two or three or them and when you add it all together that is contributing almost 20% of your bill.” The reality he says, is that an energy-efficient airconditioning unit can consume less than a fan, but you have to be smart in knowing where to place it. “In a typical residence with ‘a/c’, most persons have their units in their bedroom up near the ceiling which is not a wise decision. We learnt in physics class that hot air rises and cold air settles and falls as it is heavier. The ceiling is hot and you don’t sleep up there so why mou ?????????e???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????%???????????????????????t?Q?????????????????????????????????????????q%?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Q??? ???????M????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????%???????????????????????????????%?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????t?Q?????????????????????????????????????????????