Be Creative
versus old furniture
hatever your taste may be, whether you like modern, sleek, contemporary, functional, rustic or shabby chic, you should definitely put some thought into how to best furnish your home. It does not matter if the house is newly built, or one inherited from a relative, your style can still be reflected but your style may come with a cost, which you then have to weigh. Do you want to chuck out the old in favour of new stuff or do they have sentimental value so you want to keep them... or will you strike a balance? Choosing furniture is an easy exercise if you have deep pockets, a quick and decisive nature and if you have an effective design plan already in mind. For the majority of us however, the decision of new versus old furniture is not easy, as there are merits to both. Places & Spaces has come to your aid to make your decision a bit easier as we outline the pros and cons of each. Used Your grandmother’s rocking chair, your aunt’s mirror and your mother’s side-table. The sentimental value alone may have you screaming “keep them!” and for good reason, since nothing holds attachment for us like furniture, especially if we grew up in happy surroundings. Used furniture is also way cheaper, great for small spaces and more eco-friendly, thus a bonus for the environment. Plus, the quality of old pieces and the craftsmanship are usually second to none as artisans carved with care and with love, so there is definite durability.
Disadvantage Unfortunately, there is no warranty, so “what you see is what you get” after you ????????????Q??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????9??Q??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????9??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Q????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????U?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????((??()A???????M?????((0