PLA eLearning Playbook August 2020 | Page 6

BLACKBOARD LEARN How Do I Find My Courses and Navigate? PAGE 6 ⬔ FIND COURSES IN THE MENU AREA ● Click the link ● Find “Current Courses” ● Locate and click your assigned course (e.g. Reading, ELA, Math, Science, etc.) INSIDE OF MY COURSE ROOM! COURSE CONTENT CALENDAR DISCUSSIONS GRADEBOOK MESSAGES ROSTER Profile cards and course members appear. BLACKBOARD COLLABORATE Meet with your teacher and classmates for a live classroom session. ATTENDANCE PLA will not utilize the attendance feature. GROUPS Explore and collaborate with the groups assigned by your teacher. = ANNOUNCEMENTS Alerts from your teacher or PLA organization will be listed in the area. IN THIS AREA: Your teacher will provide an… Assignment Test Link to discussions area Journal Document File Audio Image Video Folder Module