Pioniers Magazine april/ mei/ juni 2020 | Communicatie | Page 53

“The 3d perspective is that there’s a deadly virus spreading through Earth. Your neighbour can be a danger to your health and you can be to theirs. Flatten the curve; stay inside and wash your hands.

The 4th perspective is that the virus, like other crises in the world, is a purposefully introduced distraction and cover up, the plan is to introduce a new economic order. Biochemical and technological warfare are upon us keeping us enslaved in the matrix. ET’s are involved and disclosure may happen.

The 5th perspective is that the major event we’ve all been waiting for, that leads to mass awakening, is finally happening. It’s the rise of the feminine; love and truth are flooding our reality. This is the rebirth that- once completed and integrated- will move the collective consciousness into 5D. The system will be reborn and our world will be even better than we can imagine.”

Mayke Niestadt