Pioneering Innovations in Aviation and Aerospace 25th Edition | Page 47

Digital Engineering Enables Innovative Hardware Integration Opportunities in Aerospace
3-4 : HHITS workbench . 4
To summarize , this preliminary work has resulted in a prototype known as HOST - Hardware Integration Tool Set ( HHITS ), which was described in the previous section . HHITS is a web-based application that provides the following capabilities .
• Repository of Hardware Components : HHITS allows integrators to search and compare hardware components . This facilitates the selection of suitable components for specific systems , ensuring compatibility and reducing the likelihood of integration issues .
• Interactive Diagrams : HHITS renders the profiles for backplane slots and modules , allowing users to visualize the input / output connections , pin outs and backplane module connections .
• Virtual Build and Simulation : Users can virtually construct a chassis and integrate various hardware components ( backplanes , modules , mezzanines , and power supplies ) within the tool . By applying predefined rule sets , HHITS identifies and mitigates potential incompatibilities before any physical hardware is procured , saving time and resources .
4 https :// www . researchgate . net / publication / 315736224 _ An _ Examination _ of _ Open _ System _ Architectures _ for _ Avionics _ Systems _ - _ An _ Update
Journal of Innovation 43