Pioneering Innovations in Aviation and Aerospace 25th Edition | Page 45

Digital Engineering Enables Innovative Hardware Integration Opportunities in Aerospace
Once the data format was established , a repository was built to allow for entering , browsing , searching , and updating component data . Various technologies were evaluated for the repository , and MongoDB was chosen . MongoDB , a NoSQL database , is known for its flexibility and scalability , storing data in JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas . It is designed to handle large volumes of unstructured data and supports a wide range of applications , from simple web apps to complex , data-intensive operations . See Figure 3-2 .
Figure 3-2 : HHITS repository . 2
With a repository of components established , innovative visualization methods have been developed . These include a tree view to represent the hierarchy of components in a build and a virtual backplane with slots for drag-and-drop module placement . Additionally , dynamic and interactive rendering of module and slot profiles is now possible based on data captured in the newly created format ( see Figure 3-3 ). Together , these advancements create a virtual workbench for integrating avionics computing components .
2 https :// rockwellcollinsthoughtleadership . wordpress . com / wp-content / uploads / 2018 / 06 / avionics-opensystem-architecture-standardization-shepherd-and-wills . pdf
Journal of Innovation 41