Pioneering Innovations in Aviation and Aerospace 25th Edition | Page 26

Guiding Supply Chain Security in Aeronautic Development [ 22 ] Interos . https :// www . interos . ai / [ 23 ] Craft . https :// global . craft . co /
[ 24 ] Orbis ( Bureau van Dijk ). https :// www . bvdinfo . com / en-gb / ourproducts / data / international / orbis
[ 25 ] LexisNexis . https :// www . lexisnexis . com / en-us /
[ 26 ] System of Trust web site . “ Highly Sensitive to Foreign Influence ” profile . https :// sot . mitre . org / resources / papers / System _ of _ Trust _ Body _ of _ Knowledge _ Risk _ Cat alog _ v1.3-Draft _ Profile _ of _ High _ Sensitivity _ to _ Foreign _ Influence . pdf
[ 27 ] System of Trust Pilots web page . https :// sot . mitre . org / framework / pilot . html [ 28 ] System of Trust Community web page . https :// sot . mitre . org / community / members . html
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22 August 2024