Pioneering Innovations in Aviation and Aerospace 25th Edition | Page 21

Guiding Supply Chain Security in Aeronautic Development
that is useful is an analysis of the data sources used and documenting what risk measures and risk factors they were good sources of data for .
9-2 shows an assessment of a data source used in a proof-of-concept assessment of four companies . The heatmap is using Harvey Balls to indicate whether a risk factor ’ s risk measures were able to be evaluated with the data from the data source for the four companies we assessed .
Figure 9-2 : Depicting Source Coverage .
In addition to presenting the results of an assessment as a quick-glance presentation to be discussed and reviewed collaboratively , the results of an assessment will also typically be captured as a report . From our experience we suggest that the report have at least the sections , figures and tables shown below in Figure 9-3 , to convey the work and findings in a consumable manner .
Journal of Innovation 17