Pioneering Innovations in Aviation and Aerospace 25th Edition | Page 19

Guiding Supply Chain Security in Aeronautic Development
7-2 : Hierarchical heatmap of profile with many risk factors .
On the SoT web site there is an example document 27 that contains a tabular text presentation of an SoT profile based on the insights and experience of our work utilizing System of Trust with various industry players and government sponsors that are concerned with the “ High Sensitivity to Foreign Influence ” of a supplier . In the online example document , the subset of SoT represented by this profile is shown with bolded borders and includes names and definitions for the specific risk categories , sub-categories , and measurable risk factors for this profile along with risk measurements for the risk factors .
Once a profile has been defined and / or selected , including adequate and appropriate data sources for evaluating the relevant risk measures , the SoT process of assessment is straightforward . Assessors iteratively work through each risk measure within the scope of the assessment profile and leverage the appropriate data source to evaluate the risk measure condition to either a yes ( the condition is true ) or no ( the condition is false ). The scoring weights ( either SoT defaults or profile-based overrides ) for the risk measures evaluated as true are then used to calculate risk scores for the affected risk factors and roll-up weights are used to calculate risk scores for the relevant risk categories . Depending on which mechanism is being used for the assessment , these scoring calculations will be either automated or manual .
27 https :// sot . mitre . org / framework / pilot . html Journal of Innovation 15