Pioneering Innovations in Aviation and Aerospace 25th Edition | Page 16

Guiding Supply Chain Security in Aeronautic Development
capturing and organizing the SoT Body of Knowledge of supply chain risks . The SoT content in RMM also includes insights and knowledge from various supply chain risk communities about how these risks are related and what information / evidence is needed to evaluate the individual risk factors and measures at the ends of the hierarchy branches .
Creating a profile for your own situation will require your team to consider what risks they really care to understand relative to a particular supplier , their supplies , and any services . We have found that different formats / approaches of presentation of the risks in SoT are better aligned to some aspects of creating a profile than others . The SoT web site ’ s Pilot page 26 provides a discussion of these approaches as well as how to present the results , which we will refer to and use in the remainder of this paper .
An additional capability of RMM provides one structured way to formally define or review profiled subsets of the overall Body of Knowledge of potential risks . To do this you use the “ Tailor ” mode , as shown in Figure 6-1 , to either select a previously created profile or start a new one . Once you start a new profile you can use the selection boxes to bring individual items into or out of scope of that profile , including whole risk categories . You can also bring in a risk category but select sub-parts of it to be out of scope .
26 https :// sot . mitre . org / resources / papers / System _ of _ Trust _ Body _ of _ Knowledge _ Risk _ Catalog _ v1.3- Draft _ Profile _ of _ High _ Sensitivity _ to _ Foreign _ Influence . pdf
12 August 2024