rin has played an extraordinary role in the deep
goodness of the Baldecchi years. She is, of course,
loving wife of Chuck, and proud mom of Bella ’17,
Alex ’19, and Cade ’21. She is so many other things
to so many other people in the TLS community –
dear friend, trusted confidant, respected role model,
encouraging teacher, thoughtful mentor, gracious
hostess, and the list goes on.
As one former teacher says, “Erin has the gift of
hospitality, and she uses it.”
Erin and Chuck began the tradition of
entertaining faculty and staff – at their home on
Ashland Avenue at first, and then at Scarlet Gate.
Erin says, “We got the idea a long time ago from
Billy Peebles (former Asheville Head of School), and
that was the way I got to know the faculty, since I
wasn’t there every day.” She smiles as she confesses,
“I wasn’t much of a cook at that point.” Giving
more background, Erin admits, “We wanted to
have a chance to serve the faculty. They spend their
days giving so much in the classroom. We invited
six people at a time, since that’s all our dining room
table on Ashland Avenue would seat. We didn’t
include spouses because we couldn’t hold that many
people. The first eight years, we had every faculty
and staff member every year, and it was especially
fun since we always mixed up departments. We all
got to know each other in a different way, more
casually, outside the school day. I planned the menu
and did the cooking, and we did it every other week
or so, usually beginning in October.”
Indeed, it often seems Scarlet Gate has a
revolving door, though James Lane Allen could
never have imagined such at his boyhood home.
Throughout the years, Erin and Chuck have made
their old Kentucky home the warm gathering
place for countless Lexington School reunions, Fall
Festivals, Holiday Homecomings, Board gatherings,
receptions, commencements, breakfasts, luncheons,
dinners, picnics, meetings, birthday parties for Ms. A
and others, celebrations, and Celebrations, even with
bottles of whiskey buried strategically throughout
the yard to ensure perfect weather. At every instance,
Erin has been more than welcoming, even when
one guest had so much fun that a friend had to put
a hand on both shoulders, maintain steadfast eye
contact, and clearly explain, “The party is over. The
Baldecchis have to go to bed.”
Thank you, Erin, for bringing your kind sparkle to
Scarlet Gate. We have all benefitted.
Thank you, Erin, for
bringing your kind
sparkle to Scarlet Gate.
We have all benefitted.