In your high school drama classes you...
A. Were the first to volunteer for the lead role, especially if it involved any
romantic scenes.
B. Auditioned for the play since it was mandatory but you weren’t to worried
about the role you’d get. After all, you know you’re a star.
C. Make a joke out of the whole audition, maybe because you were scared you
wouldn’t get a role.
D. Hide in the back of the class and hope your teacher didn’t see you.
Your idea of a great night is...
A. A night on the town, dancing with your girls!
B. A night with friends, anything is fine, especially if it involves good food and
C. Causing shenanigans in any way you can! As long as the adrenaline is pumping, you’re good to go!
D. Hanging out at your local cafe.
Your last text is from...
A. The cutie you met at the party last weekend.
B. Your significant other of course.
C. You’re best friend, who’s telling you about the prank they just played on
D. A family member, texting is only for those super close to you.
Your Instagram is full of:
A. Selfies. You gotta flaunt it while ya got it!
B. Pictures only from exciting events, you don’t want to pollute the web with
your conceitedness.
C. Pictures of food, and anything funny that you see. When someone else looks
at your feed they would probably have no idea why any of those pictures are
D. You don’t have Instagram.
Results.... (next page)
Model: Josie Cormier
Photography: Night Walker Photography