Fay aND Michelle
When Fay told her parents
that she was a lesbian in
1999, it was to be kept a
secret and not to be spoken
about ever again...
ur bridal party was made up of our family
and closest friends. Our best women –
Michelle’s sister and Fay’s best friend –
walked in first as the music began. As they
took their places at the front, Fay walked
in accompanied by one of our closest
friends, Jonathan, and emotions were already running high.
Michelle came in last with her dad, and the wedding party
was responsible for ensuring that we were both shedding
tears of joy by the time we reached the registrar!
Our ceremony was formal as far as the vows were
concerned, and we asked friends and family to read poems
that were meaningful to both of us.
There were two parts to our reception – the formal
wedding breakfast at Le Talbooth and the evening reception
at the Maison Talbooth. As all guests had three starters, three
mains and three puddings to choose from initially, the fact
that everyone got what they had ordered felt like a
magnificent achievement on our part! The food was simply
stunning, as were the wine and champagne for toasts.
The afternoon was a real box of delights, with a wide
range of speeches and tears of joy, genuine hysteria and live
musical medleys against the beautiful setting. The wedding
breakfast ended in the loveliest way with a live version –