LAurA ANd SereLLe
my best
Laura and Serelle soon
knew that their relationship
was destined to turn long
term, as Laura tells us. Pics
by David Christie at Crystal
Memories Photography
‘ G
etting married was the best day of my life and if
I could do it all over again I would. I could not
recommend getting married more – it was the
most fun, emotional day.’
We met when we were 15 and 16 years old through a
mutual friend who went to school with me and who lived in
Serelle’s village. I was dating a boy at the time, who happened
to go to her school – I suppose I didn’t really understand my
feelings for girls. The first communication with Serelle was
through MSN instant messenger – that’s how long ago it was!
We met in person about a week later and then became girl -
friends. Three months later she dumped me by text message!
Serelle heard from a mutual friend that I was with the guy
from her school, who she thought was a complete wally. So
she decided that she would ‘steal’ me away and date me,
which she did! After a few weeks she could tell that I was
looking for a ‘proper’ relationship and she wasn’t. That’s why
she ended it.
A couple of relationships and years later, we reconnected
after meeting at Girls and Boys nightclub in Canterbury. Serelle
was in a relationship at the time – which would end several
months later. We started hanging out again, as friends this
time, but we both knew there was still a connection there. I
was convinced that I wasn’t going to date her again after the
previous experience, but after much persistence on her part
we ended up together again!
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