It's important to stay hydrated, but that doesn't mean sober.
I've reached the age where I appreciate a nice handrail.
Thought for the day..........Be thankful it's not snowing outside. Imagine shoveling snow in this heat!
Everyone has a friend during each stage of life. But only lucky ones have the same friend in all stages of life.
Getting older sucks. I used to wake up feeling like a million bucks. Now I feel more like a bounced check.
You should try yoga. It makes you relaxed, flexible and loose. But, so does vodka without all the sweating.
My version of a triathalon is a doughnut, a pizza, and a hot fudge sundae.
I'M IN SHOCK!!! I just learned that "lol" does not mean Low on Liquor.
My wife asked if she could have some peace and quiet while she cooked dinner.....So I took the battery out of the Smoke Alarm!
When older people say "Enjoy them while they are young." They are talking about your knees and hips not your kids.
Maybe I was raised wrong, but I was taught if you wanted something, you worked for it.
When I die, don't look for me in the sunsets...I'll be chasing you up the stairs after you turn the lights off!