Pine Tree Village Newsletter December 2021(clone) | Page 6

Two mysterious people live in my house. Somebody and Nobody. Somebody did it and nobody knows who.

You think you can hurt my feelings? I'm an over thinker, I hurt my own feelings.

A moment of patience in a moment of anger, saves you a hundred moments of regret.

Sometimes, someone unexpected comes into your life out of nowhere, makes your heart race, and changes your life forever. We call those people cops.

Life humbles you as you age. You realize how much time you've wasted on nonsense.

Remember-- Good friends are the rare jewels of life, difficult to find and impossible to replace.

I don't care how old I get. If i'm in a store and I see a toy with "TRY ME" on it, i'm pushing those buttons!

How antisocial are you?? If I swipe my card at the pump and it says "See Cashier" I just leave.

My goal is to be that old person that everyone is afraid to take out in public.

Felt uncomfortable driving into the cemetery. The GPS blurted out you have reached your final destination.

If what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, I should be able to bench press a Cadillac by now.