Pinal County JLUS Fact Sheet #1 | Page 6


Frequency Spectrum Impedance / Interference
Frequency spectrum impedance and interference refers to the interruption of electronic signals by a structure or object ( impedance ) or the inability to distribute / receive a particular frequency because of similar frequency competition ( interference ).


Housing Availability
Housing availability addresses the supply and demand for housing in the region . It also identifies the competition for shelter that may result from changes in the number of military personnel and the supply of military family housing provided by the installation .

IE Infrastructure

This factor covers the extension or provision of infrastructure ( roads , sewer , water , etc .) in the vicinity of a military installation . Infrastructure can enhance the operations of the installation by providing needed services , such as sanitary sewer treatment capacity and transportation systems . However , expanded infrastructure could encourage incompatible growth near the installation .


Land / Air Space Competition
The military manages or uses land and air space to accomplish testing , training , and operational missions . These resources must be available and of a sufficient size , cohesiveness , and quality to accommodate effective training and testing . Military and civilian air operations can compete for limited air space , especially when the airfields are in close proximity to each other . Use of this shared resource can impact future growth in operations for all users .


Land Use
The basis of land use planning relates to the government ’ s role in protecting the public ’ s health , safety , and welfare . County and local jurisdictions ’ general plans and zoning ordinances can be the most effective tools for avoiding , or resolving , land use compatibility issues . These tools ensure the separation of land uses that differ significantly in character . Land use separation also applies to properties where the use of one property may impact the use of another . For instance , industrial uses are often separated from residential uses to avoid impacts related to noise , odors , lighting , etc .

LEG Legislative

Legislative initiatives are federal , state , or local laws and regulations that may have a direct or indirect effect on a military installation to conduct its current or future mission . They can also constrain development potential in areas surrounding the installation .


Light and Glare
This factor refers to man-made lighting ( street lights , airfield lighting , building lights ) and glare ( direct or reflected light ) that disrupts vision .
Light sources from commercial , industrial , recreational , and residential uses at night can cause excessive glare and illumination , impacting the use of military night vision devices and air operations . Conversely , high intensity light sources generated from a military area ( such as ramp lighting ) may have a negative impact on the adjacent community .