piloto 03 Travel to South Africa_ TheBritishSchool Magazine | Page 4
by Víctor Cabrera Rey
Today, we are going to learn more
about the history of South Africa,
butmainly; about the Apartheid. The
Great Britain government thought
that white and black people should
be treated equally but british people
who lived there didn’t think the same
so the conflict started. groups, voting was exclusive for white
men, interracial marriages were ban-
ned or even sexual relations between
them. Until 1993 South Africa was
the only country that was controlled
by a minority of white population.
First, what is apartheid? Apartheid
was a system of racial segregation in
South Africa enforced through legis-
lation by the National Party govern-
ments.This system consisted in the
creation of separate places like studio
recreation rooms for different racial In my opinion racial problems are one
of the most common problems in the
world and I can’t understand why. A
person who believes that a black man
is worse than you is stupid. Our race
doesn’t decide who is better or worse,
nothing justifies racism.