PilgrimBCSM Pentagon Campaign Newsletters June 2013 | Page 7
Pilgrim members give their testimonies about their Lifestyle Stewardship journeys during the first year
and share why they support the Pentagon despite the challenges and difficulties they have faced.
It's important to give back to God because He gave you your
life and it's important to give back to Him. You have to give
back more than what He gave to you because He's the one
who gave you a home, He's the one who gave you food on
your table and He's the one who wakes you up. I'm glad that
I was chosen to do something that I wouldn't have done
when I was younger because I thought it wouldn't be right.
But now, I think that, If I do something for God, He'll do
something for me. And I just want to thank Him because I
am glad that I have a church to go to, that I have a Pastor to
listen to and that I'm just blessed.
Having a Pentagon means that we can have a bigger space for
many more people to join our church. I'm very excited that
we will have a Youth wing and that we will have a place to
grow and learn in Christ and be saved. And, of course, I'm
excited that this Youth Wing in the Pentagon will have
everything that we as youth will ever want to grow into adult
Christians. When we heard about the Pentagon, we wanted
to help contribute to the building, so we came up with a few
ideas about how we could raise money and one of them was a
coin collection. So we decorated donated bottles and we
asked our neighbors and friends and my mom even asked her
co-workers to donate coins. As a youth member of this church, I'm always willing to do
anything I can to help this church. Thank you!