PilgrimBCSM Pentagon Campaign Newsletters Jan 2014 | Page 3

H ALF -W AY H OME “Being confident that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” - Philippians 1:6 (NKJV) Our God is a God of completion. When God created heaven and earth, He didn’t stop there. He went all the way to completion in creating man, then woman – His grandest creations. Jesus healed, taught and preached the Good News of the Kingdom of God but he did not stop there. Jesus completed his God-given task to die on Calvary and, after he died, rose on the third day, overcoming death and ascending to Heaven. And when He returns, Jesus will complete his greatest work. We began our faith walk in January 2012. We officially kicked off the three-year Capital Campaign in June of that year. We will finish in June 2015. Today, we stand at the half-way point of our journey -- half of the way home. As with most long and challenging journeys, our human nature asks, “Aren’t we there yet? I can’t possibly give any more; I’ve got too many other pressing concerns, etc.” We have a Campaign goal to raise $2.5 million. Our true financial need is even greater than that! We’ve made pledge commitments of $1.9 million. To date, we’ve raised almost $1 million. As you can see, we still have further to go in order to meet and complete our financial commitments. We praise God for all who’ve given thus far and for what He will do for our future. But God still has work to do in us to achieve His Pentagon purpose. So how do we find the strength to keep going to the end? How do we find the power to give even more generously than we already have? How do we overcome our fears about lacking resources and continue to meet (or make) our Campaign pledges? We start by prayerfully meditating on God’s Word and committing ourselves to follow Jesus’ example of completing every work he was given. As Paul reminded the Church at Philippi, we must be confident that our God will carry on the work of salvation and sanctification to its completion. Here, “completion” means more than just “the end”. Completion means that we will all eventually realize our full spiritual potential in Christ by maturing through the process of personal spiritual growth. In this same way, Christ is at work today in our lives to help us to carry on our Campaign work to its completion. God wants to make each of us more spiritually mature -- to lift each of us, our church and our Pentagon ministry to a new place for His purpose. We are blessed to have this opportunity to partner with God and grow while on this incredible faith journey and we must trust God to meet our needs while He works in us. We must move forward with the confidence that comes from knowing that Christ is still at work in us as we continue to give of ourselves and our resources. This means all of us – we need every member’s participation in prayer, planning to meet our individual commitments and making lifestyle adjustments along the way (Yes, this will also include making personal sacrifices). We are only half way home. Our work – a nd the work of Christ in us and in our Campaign – is not yet complete. We pray in faith, knowing that God will strengthen us in order to complete our work for Him in the Campaign. After all, the Pentagon Vision for ministry is for and about Jesus Christ. Thank you to all who have worked in support of and who continue to give faithfully to our Pentagon Campaign effort. May God bless you and your family as He continues to provide for all of your needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus. With gratitude I press on with you to completion, Deacon Thurman White Executive Director of the Pentagon Capital Campaign