Pieces Of Me | Page 87

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 85 .
SOPHIE That was a lie . I dropped out to take care of you .
ELI You didn ’ t have to--
SOPHIE I did and now I ’ m living with a murderer .
ELI You have to believe me . It was in self-defense .
SOPHIE Just the other day , I was picking YOUR teeth off the floor , and now this ? I can ’ t ! I just can ’ t anymore , dad .
She runs out of the bedroom .
ELI ( calls out )
Where are you going ? I need you !
SOPHIE ( O . S .) ( screams )
Like a bullet in the head . Bye .
Sophie storms off , leaving the front door open . She enters the hatchback and drives off , passing ...
Patrick sitting outside with a flashlight . He eyes the open door ... turns to see if his dad ’ s around . The coast is clear . He goes for it .
INT . MARY ’ S BASEMENT - SAME Officer Ballard speaks into his walkie :
OFFICER BALLARD This is Ballard . Ms . Baker isn ’ t home , but I will need forensics here , STAT .
( a beat ) There ’ s more to Mary Baker than meets the eye .