Pieces Of Me | Page 81

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 79 .
ELI But , I ’ m finally happy . You ’ ve given me hope .
MARY Then I ’ ve done my job .
( a beat ) We get each other , inside and out . No reason to continue this charade called life .
ELI I ... I don ’ t know .
MARY We won ’ t be killing ourselves out of depression , but for pleasure . You said it yourself . You haven ’ t been happier .
ELI This is true .
MARY It ’ s the ultimate romantic gesture .
( raises pocketknife ) I do you ...
( winks ) You do me--
MARY ( CONT ' D ) Shit ! They ’ re already here !
EXT . HOUSE - SAME Officer Ballard pounds the front door .
No response .
OFFICER BALLARD Open up ! Police !
OFFICER BALLARD ( CONT ' D ) I have a warrant . If you don ’ t open the door , I have the right to use force .