Pieces Of Me | Page 77

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 75 .
They take off with a handful of people in tow . Others circle the teen , even snapping photos of his new body modification .
The disfigured couple is chased by townspeople through allies , backyards and quiet streets . All their assailants are missing are pitchforks and torches .
Eli ducks behind a large garbage bin and pulls Mary to safety . A beat , then their pursuers zip by .
A tense beat .
MARY Is the coast clear ?
A loud siren rattles the bin .
No .
An ambulance screams down the street .
ELI ( CONT ' D ) My house is just a few blocks away . We ’ ll be safe there , until the excitement dies down .
Okay .
ELI Just remain calm and try to fit in .
MARY That ’ s a tall order coming from you .
ELI I know . Just trust me . We ’ re in this together .
He squeezes Mary ’ s hand and they peek from behind the bin - there ’ s even more sirens . They take cover again , as two patrol cars speed in the direction of the park .
My hero .
She pulls him in for a kiss . SMASH CUT TO :