Pieces Of Me | Page 7

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 5 .
She steps on a piece of fragmented jaw bone . Teeth are scattered like Easter eggs . Blood paints the walls .
Eli still grips the SMOKING SHOTGUN , despite missing the lower portion of his face ; blood pours from the wound , creating a wet , sucking noise - his only method of communication .
They lock eyes and Sophie SCREAMS ! TITLE CARD : PIECES OF ME
A stretcher zips down a white corridor surrounded by various medical professionals ... and Sophie .
The world is stained crimson . Doctors and nurses speak with a sense of urgency , but it ’ s replaced with a metallic ringing in his ears .
Eli tries to speak , but it ’ s impossible without a lower jaw .
DR . MORRIS , 50s , joins the team and runs alongside the stretcher . He sees Eli and takes a deep breath .
DR . MORRIS You ’ re going to be alright . Just hold on !
( to nurse ) I need an OR stat ! He ’ s losing too much blood .
NURSE 3A is prepped .
DR . MORRIS Good .
( to paramedic ) Where ’ s the rest of him ?
Unusable .
DR . MORRIS Car accident ?
PARAMEDIC Suicide attempt .