Pieces Of Me | Page 65

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 63 .
BUSINESSMAN ( CONT ' D ) Have fun with your friends--
Eli stands up and DECKS the businessman in the face . He goes down hard . Everyone at the bar takes notice .
ELI Stay down asshole , unless you want to be my identical twin .
He does as he ’ s told , while Eli grabs a few napkins and hands them to Mary .
LENNY Damn ! Brass Balls ...
CARLOS Fuck that ! Balls of Steel !
Mary looks at Eli in awe , while the rest of the group laughs . SMASH CUT TO :
Chaos as two bodies fumble in the dark . Clothes are torn off with animalistic passion , as they make their way towards the bed .
ELI Let me get the light .
MARY No . I like it like this .
ELI Is it because of my face ?
MARY Oh , no ! It isn ’ t you . Swear .
ELI But you ’ re spectacular .
MARY You ’ re very sweet , but it makes me uncomfortable .
ELI Okay . I understand . The dark is fine .
They land on the bed and Mary mounts Eli .