Pieces Of Me | Page 56

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 54 .
An awkward laugh .
( awkward AF ) Oh , hi ... Good to see you I guess ... maybe you should have seen a different shrink .
MARY Please continue .
ELI Not much to say . I hit rock bottom ... tried to blow my brains out ... somehow missed , and well here we are today .
LENNY Oh man ! A handgun doesn ’ t pack a punch like that . Must have brought in the heavy artillery . Maybe a shotgun ?
ELI Gun owner ?
LENNY Nah . Just been a part of this fucked up Breakfast Club for years . Seen everything from toasters in the bathtub to failed autoerotic asphyxiation .
Sexy .
BLAKE You ’ d win suicide bingo for sure .
LENNY Damn right .
Stephanie claps . Everyone turns to her--
STEPHANIE What ?!?!? I ’ m just impressed that Lenny ’ s impressed . He ’ s a tough crowd .
LENNY I sure as shit am ! Brass Balls Mento . That ’ s what I ’ m calling you from here on out .
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