Pieces Of Me | Page 53

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 51 .
SOPHIE Let me change the topic .
She looks her father up and down - Eli ’ s wearing khakis , a tucked-in dress shirt with a colorful tie .
ELI Is it too much ?
SOPHIE You look good . Professional .
ELI Thanks . I was hoping the tie would distract from my--
He motions to his face .
SOPHIE No , it ’ s cute . No reason to be selfconscious . Everyone is there for the same reason .
ELI If I ’ m lucky , maybe they ’ ll put me on the cover of their calendar .
They share a laugh , but Eli ’ s giggles sound like choking .
SOPHIE Alright . We ’ re here , Mr . October .
The hatchback pulls up to the curb , as a group of sweaty , elderly men exit the building . Eli steps out and waves to Sophie . The passenger window lowers .
SOPHIE Knock em dead , kid .
He gives a thumbs up and passes the group .
ELDERLY MAN ( whispers )
Disgraceful .
ELDERLY MAN 2 I agree . When life gets hard you pick yourself up by the bootstraps , not tie them around your neck .