Pieces Of Me | Page 52

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 50 .
ELI Thanks for stopping by .
DR . REMINGTON I ’ ll see myself out .
She exits . A beat , then we hear the front door close .
SOPHIE I think she likes you .
Eli tries to smile . His face puckers .
She snickers .
ELI Shut up . I look like a truck driver ’ s asshole .
SOPHIE Thanks for that . Not an image I want in my head . ( a beat )
So you think you ’ ll do it ?
ELI I guess . What ’ s the worst that can happen ? Another stoning ?
SOPHIE Look at you , teeming with positivity . There might also be some ladies ...
ELI Well , if chicks dig scars , then consider me Jason Momoa .
SOPHIE You got it , Aquaman .
EXT ./ INT . CAR - NIGHT Sophie drives , while Eli nervously taps his leg .
SOPHIE There ’ s nothing to be worried about . Remember , it ’ s your job to talk to people .
ELI ( awkward )
I know . It just seems ... off .