Pieces Of Me | Page 5

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 3 .
LISA ( CONT ' D ) ( a beat )
See ya Monday ?
SOPHIE Yeah . Already booked my ticket back .
LISA Cool . Hope your dad ’ s alright .
SOPHIE Me too . Tough time of the year for him , but I ’ m sure a surprise visit from his little girl will put a smile on his face .
LISA He ’ s lucky to have you .
SOPHIE Family first , right ? See ya in Orgo .
Lisa nods and Sophie shuts the car door . The station wagon sputters off .
An uncomfortable beat .
Sophie is alone - it ’ s just her and her childhood home ... and GORDON SULLIVAN , 45 , a nosey neighbor - he sips his coffee , watching her with a creepy curiosity from his lawn . A gold cross hangs from his neck .
Sophie waves awkwardly and makes her way up the driveway , passing her father ’ s hatchback . She unlocks the front door and enters--
INT . HOUSE --and wanders through the foyer . It ’ s quiet . Too quiet .
SOPHIE ( calling out )
Dad ? It ’ s me ...
No response . Just her fleeing echoes down a dimly-lit hallway .
There ’ s a soft purr . She looks down . A white cat rubs against her ankle .
SOPHIE ( CONT ' D ) Hi , Snowflake . I missed you too .