Pieces Of Me | Page 49

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 47 .
SOPHIE ( CONT ' D ) What happened ? Are you okay ?!?!
ELI Ugh , you were right . Damn kids .
DR . REMINGTON Here ! Help me bring him inside--
They lift Eli and guide him to the house .
Eli sits on the couch , holding an icepack to the back of his head . There ’ s a slight laceration under his eye . Fortunately , the lower half of his face is unharmed .
Dr . Remington and Sophie sit across from him drinking tea .
SOPHIE So they just jumped you ?
ELI Yes . I didn ’ t provoke them or anything .
DR . REMINGTON Kids can be so cruel .
ELI You don ’ t say ?
SOPHIE Do you want to report it to the police ? It ’ s a small town . We ’ ll find the bastards who did this !
ELI No . It happened so quickly and I didn ’ t get a good look at them . ( he eyes his broken glasses ) It ’ ll just be a waste of their time .
You sure ?
Eli nods .