Pieces Of Me | Page 46

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 44 .
Eli searches for a neighbor ... anyone that could diffuse the situation . Gordon watches from his lawn . Eli waves for help .
Gordon retreats inside .
ELI ( muffled )
Please let me go home .
TEEN 3 C ’ mon man , just show us your face . It ’ ll just be easier that way .
TEEN 2 He ’ s right . There will be consequences if you don ’ t .
ELI ( muffled )
So you ’ re threatening me ?
They each reach into their pockets and display a handful of rocks .
TEEN 1 ( unsure )
Yeah , man .
The others nod . Teen 2 tosses a large stone in the air and catches it .
ELI ( muffled )
Fuck off .
Eli plows forward and knocks Teen 1 off his bike .
Jerk off !
TEEN 2 You ’ re going to regret that .
Eli gives them the finger and continues on , passing Gordon ’ s house . He nervously peeks out the window , as--
POW ! A rock slams Eli in the back of the head .
He removes his hat and touches the wound . Blood paints his fingers .