Pieces Of Me | Page 43

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 41 .
Sucks down his meal . Looks out the window . Shaves successfully . Finishes the book . Takes off his bedside light . END MONTAGE
Eli eats his breakfast through a straw . He ’ s got the routine down - even Sophie appears relaxed ... maybe even a little content , as she sips her coffee .
ELI I ’ d like to go for a walk this morning .
SOPHIE Really ? Are you sure that ’ s such a good idea ?
ELI I spent 3 weeks in the ICU and have been home for nearly two . I need a little fresh air and sun , otherwise I ’ m going to kill--you know what I mean .
SOPHIE They say Vitamin D helps with scarring .
ELI Great . I ’ ll see you later .
SOPHIE No . I ’ m coming .
ELI It ’ s okay . I could use the alone time to think about my career . I need a game plan .
SOPHIE And what if someone comes after you ?