Pieces Of Me | Page 25

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 23 .
INT . FOYER Silence . Eli and Sophie stare down the dim hallway .
ELI Sorry , you had to see that .
SOPHIE It ’ s fine . He deserved worse . Here . Let me get that--
She flicks the light switch , revealing the gory aftermath from that day : dried blood stains , dirt tracked inside by the paramedics and a broken vase .
Eli shudders . It ’ s all coming back to him . Not in a good way . A series of quick flashes :
- Sophie , covered in blood , dragging his twitching body from the office . Flesh hangs off Eli ’ s face like deli meat .
- Paramedics pushing a stretcher towards them . They accidentally knock over the vase .
- Eli ’ s strapped down . Sophie watches him , crying like a baby .
SOPHIE ( V . O .) We should clean this place up .
Eli snaps out of it and nods .
ELI Why don ’ t I take the office ?
SOPHIE Are you sure ?
ELI It ’ s my mess . You shouldn ’ t have to .
Sophie kisses her dad on the cheek . If you can even call it that .
SOPHIE We ’ ll get through this .
( a beat ) Just promise me you won ’ t ... try to ... you know ... again .
ELI The police confiscated the gun .